Low carb meal ideas

Low Carb Dinners

What is low carb diet? Diet that has reduced amount of carbohydrates  is commonly known as low carbs diet. Carbohydrate rich foods (including sugar, bread, potatoes, pasts etc) are often replaced with foods having high

Pepperoni Pizza at home

Pepperoni Pizza

Pepperoni is an American variety of salami, basically made from cured beef and red meat together and pro with paprika or other chili pepper. Pepperoni is usually gentle, barely smoky, and vibrant crimson and Thinly

Yum Pasta recipe

Fettuccine Pasta

Pasta is a sort of food generally crafted from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour (semolina) mixed with water or eggs, and shaped into sheets or numerous shapes, then cooked using boiling or baking.

Healthy Soup for Dinner

Healthy Foods for Dinner

A very famous saying of American author and nutritionist Adelle Davis is “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. It doesn’t mean that dinner is not so important!